ZumaDogg@Gmail.com PayPal ZD on this new, EZ link #LA political icon, Zuma Dogg, qualifies as Mayoral Candidate for City of Los Angeles March 2017 election vs absentee, do-nothing mayor, Eric "Garshady" Garcetti.
Media on ZD: "Legend"/KABC - "Heroic"/KRLA - "Crusader"/LA Mayor Garcetti - "An L.A. superstar, icon. Brilliant."/LA Weekly - "Stunned and amazed. We've never seen anything like him. A treasure."/LA Times - "Fabulous"/Tony Robbins
ZumaDogg@Gmail.com PayPal ZD on this new, EZ link #LA political icon, Zuma Dogg, qualifies as Mayoral Candidate for City of Los Angeles March 2017 election vs absentee, do-nothing mayor, Eric "Garshady" Garcetti.
Media on ZD: "Legend"/KABC - "Heroic"/KRLA - "Crusader"/LA Mayor Garcetti - "An L.A. superstar, icon. Brilliant."/LA Weekly - "Stunned and amazed. We've never seen anything like him. A treasure."/LA Times - "Fabulous"/Tony Robbins